A closed head injury is any injury to structures in the skull where the skull is not penetrated. Traumatic brain injuries fall into this category, but so do injuries to the facial features, as well as injuries to the sensory and perceptive nerves. Injuries to any of the twelve cranial nerves can be particularly devastating, resulting in partial or complete loss of the senses, including vision, hearing, smell, and taste.

A closed head injury can be very serious, and a number of factors must be evaluated. Direct trauma to the head can lead to swelling of the brain and/or an increase of intracranial pressure. These head injury symptoms can destroy brain cells, brain tissue, and connective tissue. This injury will lead to permanent brain damage. Very often, a closed head injury is found in conjunction with other types of brain injuries, including diffuse axonal injury, a concussion, or a brain hematoma.
Generally, these types of injuries are the result of direct trauma to the head from a vehicle accident or fall, but are often overlooked in the context of a personal injury claim. If you or a loved one are currently recovering from a head injury resulting from someone else’s negligence, contact our team to discuss your options.
Sheff & Cook’s exceptional combination of skill, experience, and resources have enabled us to recover millions of dollars for our clients in serious head injury and wrongful death cases. Our consistent success is due to our unique team approach, which differentiates us from other firms. We are the go-to firm in Boston for catastrophic head injury and traumatic brain injury cases. We’ll put our decades of advocacy to work to get you the settlement you deserve.