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Swimming & Water Safety Education

Summer is finally here – that means time for fun in the sun, outdoor activities, hot temps, days on the lake and much more!

While summer is a great time for you and the kids to enjoy yourselves, you still need to keep in mind the safety precautions all season long.  Water-related activities are popular and fun for getting physical activity and maintaining health.

Here are some tips to stay safe while still getting to splash around!



  • Install 4ft. gates or higher around all four sides of the pool.
  • Have gates installed as self-close and self-latch at a high enough location that is out of a child’s reach.
  • Have pool climb-resistant gates.


  • Have electrical appliances near the pool.
  • Keep toys near the pool when not in use.
  • Run anywhere close to the pool.
  • Dive into shallow depths.
  • Dive through inner tubes or other pool toys.



  • Always ask a lifeguard about water conditions.
  • Have an adult who knows how to swim and perform CPR present.
  • Swim in groups.
  • Look for Red Flags (Dangerous Water) before entering the water.
  • Know how to handle dangerous situations like riptides.


  • Swim without a lifeguard on duty.
  • Swim at night, dawn or dusk.
  • Swim in areas that are being fished in or around fishing piers.
  • Dive into water that has unknown objects.



  • Before departing, tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
  • Be aware of the weather forecast before going out on the boat.
  • Have children wear life jackets when on boats, docks or near bodies of water at all times.
  • Attach a plastic whistle to every life jacket and use for emergency.


  • Overload your boat, forcing it over capacity.
  • Allow children on a boat without life jackets.
  • Have improper fitting life jackets.
  • Ignore speed limits.
  • Drive boat near buoys that indicate rocks and other hazards.
  • Assume every boat landing has the same regulations.

Final Tip: Never swim alone. Even good swimmers need buddies!

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