Sheff Law would like to extend its condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives in the Ghost Ship warehouse fire in Oakland, and to offer our thoughts and support to those who are dealing with the fire’s aftermath, including those who escaped, those who were injured and the first responders and investigators who have labored at the scene.

It is difficult to comprehend such a tragic loss of life in the United States in 2016. Across this country, federal, state and local officials, attorneys, contractors and manufacturers have all worked together to reduce the number of fires, the ability of fire to spread and the fatalities caused by fire. The Oakland fire reminds us that for all our progress, there is still much work to do. Some comfort may be taken in knowing that lessons will be learned, and the legacy of the young lives lost will be stronger measures to enhance safety wherever we gather.

This event also serves as a reminder that people play a crucial role in fire safety. In many of the injuries and deaths due to fire that we have seen, violations of fire code or improper use of electrical or power equipment were to blame. Fire safety is a responsibility we all share, and we encourage everyone to carefully inspect any electrical or power equipment that can cause fire, to store fuel in approved containers and to follow manufacturer instructions for safe use.

The Boston personal injury lawyers at Sheff Law have been privileged to provide legal support and assistance to victims and family members in these types of tragedies. Contact us online or call us at 617-227-7000.