Tippi Hedren, the legendary actress known for her role in Alfred Hitchcock’s iconic film The Birds, was injured in 2006 while filming for a show.

The actress was a long-time sufferer of chronic and severe headaches. In 2006, just before beginning her role in the television show Fashion House, Hedren had spinal fusion surgery. The operation was as a tremendous relief and a smashing success. She told the public the procedure was “a miracle.” Then freed from headaches, Hedren was given the green light by her doctors to play the non-action and relatively stress-free role of a woman dying of cancer in the critically acclaimed series.

All seemed well, and many in the entertainment industry were excited about her return to the screen. But tragedy struck after Hedren was slammed on her head by an entire gallon of water while rehearsing a scene for the show at Stu Segall Studios in San Diego, California. After the incident, her headaches returned to the condition they were before the surgery. Hedren attempted various professionally-administered remedies, among which were chiropractic, acupuncture, physical therapy, medications, Botox injections and nerve block injections. Despite months of therapy, she was unable to beat the headaches.