What is the Stryker Rejuvenate Hip Replacement?

The Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement is a different kind of hip replacement than the metal on metal varieties (such as Depuy). The Rejuvenate uses a ceramic piece which is supposed to act as an alternative to metal on metal and marketed to younger recipients as a modular hip replacement, this means custom fit to the patients better and was supposed to result in a longer-lasting hip replacement.

However, patients have reportedly developed metallosis after having the Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement inserted into their bodies. When the product first hit the United States market, it was not believed possible that a patient could develop metallosis due to the fact it was not a metal on metal ball and socket device. But, the Stryker hip replacement does have a metal neck piece, and under some conditions, can rub against a metal stem causing metallic debris to spread.

Metallosis is a negative reaction of body tissue to heavy metals inside the bodies system. There are many dangerous side effects linked to metallosis, such as pain, limited mobility, hip joint failure, pseudo-tumors, dissolution of the bone, DNA changes and chromosomal aberrations. Those who have had the Stryker Rejuvenate fail have often had to undergo a variety of new procedures, and while the average hip replacement is expected to last 15 to 20 years, many of the Stryker Rejuvenate systems have failed in less than 5 years.

In July 2012, Stryker voluntarily recalled its Rejuvenate and ABG II models from the market. The company said they were recalled on account of adverse reports of corrosion and fretting. This is a compete change in direction for the company, as prior to the recall they claimed that failure was due in part to the failure of the patients to properly rehabilitate after the device was inserted, as well as blames other diseases such as diabetes and infections for a change in pH level leading to corrosion. They also blamed doctors for improperly inserting device prior to the recall.

Stryker Rejuvenate Hip Replacement Side Effects

The Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement can lead to a number of potentially serious and deadly side effects, they include;

  1. Metallosis
  2. Intense Pain
  3. Limited Mobility
  4. Failure of the Hip Joint
  5. Pseudo-Tumors
  6. Dissolution of the Bone
  7. DNA Changes
  8. Chromosomal Aberrations

Stryker Rejuvenate Hip Replacement Litigation

Many potential victims have already spoken to lawyers about their legal rights and claims. If you believe you are a victim due to injuries associated with the Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement, we urge you to explore your legal options.

At Sheff Law, we are the Massachusetts law firm with the resources, experience, and national reputation to investigate injuries resulting from exposure to the Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement. Patients across Massachusetts and America are starting to realize some of the potential harmful consequences of having the Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement inserted into the body. If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of the Stryker Rejuvenate hip replacement, contact an attorney at Sheff Law today by filling out a FREE consultation form, or call at (888) 423-4477 or 617-227-7000.